To increase the water-based cooling tower advantages, the appropriate tower size should be chosen and it is required to identify the several critical factors. The cooling towers are not so expensive and reliable way of expelling heat from several industrial processes, including thermal and nuclear power plants, petrochemical plants, petroleum refineries, food processing plants as well as HVAC systems.
The popularity of these applications is increasing day by day so does the requirement of heat exchanger part suppliers. You must know how large your cooling tower should be to efficiently handle specific applications.
As per the oil cooler exporters, there are a lot of different needs and applications where you certainly do not want an undersized cooling tower as told by the experts. The cooling tower, heat exchanger & parts manufacturer offers a broad line of high-density polyethene (HDPE) engineered plastic tower models.
On the industrial side, some professional advice that insufficient tower cooling capacity can cause a breakdown or even severe damage to the costly process equipment resulting in extensive losses in productivity. Determining the minimum size for almost any application is critical.
The cooling towers are usually known for their capability of expelling waste heat during the industrial process or the condenser in comfort cooling applications. Wet cooling towers have these functions in which a small portion of water is evaporated, resulting in the significant cooling of the water that returns to the tower during the process.
Cooling Tower Sizing
For most of the cooling tower applications, optimum cooling tower size may be determined by a combination of the four metrics which are different from one another. They are the heat load, approach, range and wet bulb temperature. To understand how these factors influence the cooling tower size, it is very important to give the terms some context.
The WBT or wet bulb temperature of the air that enters the cooling tower is an independent variable that is the fundamental factor in dictating the appropriate size of the cooling tower. This is both a theoretical limit to the exiting cooled water temperature and only the specific air parameter necessary in cooling tower selection. In the cooling tower sizing, the highest wet bulb temperature that is expected is used for very hot and humid climates.
The mechanical draft towers have a thermal performance which is barely affected by relative humidity or by the dry bulb temperature of the entering air. For the mechanical draft towers, the amount of the mass airflow constitutes the hot water cooling capacity of the tower. The relative humidity and dry bulb temperature to have a major effect on the performance of natural draft tower, those without fans.
Efficiency Matters
Flaherty adds to maintaining cooling tower efficient is important to most of the applications. In different cooling towers, mainly the wet metal cold models, the cooling efficiency is compromised when necessary aggressive chemical treatments are limited due to the risk of have damage to the surfaces of metal. Also, the chemicals which are used to get rid of the water of biological growth can cause build-up inside the cooling tower. This reduced the overall efficiency of cooling.
Choose to deal with the best cooling tower part suppliers and get products from them for your company. A few of them are listed below
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